Blogging Hiatus - Where Have I Been?
Hey Everyone! It's been a while since I have blogged on here. I think the last time I shared a blog post was back in October 2017! For today's post, I wanted to share why I have been away and what I have learned from my time being gone. Perhaps this post may be filled with rambles and random tangents but I think all of you are probably used to that with me. :) My Hiatus: Life has been crazy but it's been great. Both 2017 and 2018 were filled with exciting changes and some challenging moments. Regardless of what has come my way, I have learned a lot and grown from these experiences. I knew after graduating there would be a lot of self discovery, growth and change but I guess i didn't anticipate to the extent it did. I think for myself, I wanted to allow this time to learn more beyond what can be taught in a classroom and allow myself to be more in the moment. I love social media and using different platforms but at times using social media began to feel more li...