Life Update: New School + Blog Post Scheduling + Instagram

Hey Everyone!

 I am sure most of my readers have noticed my lack of posts these past two weeks. I apologize for my lack of activity both here and on twitter.

Beginning in the fall,  I am starting a new chapter in my life. I am moving to a new school to continue my education. My previous school was good but just not the right school for me. These past months have been amazing, focusing on myself, this blog, friends, volunteering and school. I never thought this change would consume most of my free time but it has. I am both excited and nervous for this change but ready for this challenge. Also, I am applying for scholarships to help fund my education. I have these opportunities and I need to take them.

My goal for this blog is to maintain it throughout my education and hopefully beyond. I am doing my best to gather blog post ideas and potentially pre-writing these posts in order to update frequently throughout the week. However, if there is not many posts being uploaded on here, it is most likely because of my educational commitments. I will update on twitter as often as I can! I love interacting with everyone, especially on twitter.

I recently made an Instagram account for this blog! Here I will update with various food, fashion and beauty related posts!

Hannah, xo


  1. Hope you like your new school! Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award over on my blog. Here's a link if you're interested:

    1. thank you so much! I will for sure check it out :)


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